polish empanadas and red borscht


Every post should have an introduction. I wrote one for this one twice, but I didn’t like it. What you see on the photo I would call pierogi, even though they are not made from pasta like dough like these ones, in my family often we fry them like this, but these pierogi are made from soft yeast dough. They take a while to make, but they are so good. Apparently for most of you they look like empanadas, well they are the same thing, probably. It’s amazing that in many cuisines you can find familiar elements.

polish empanadas and red borscht

Anyways pierogi or empanadas are perfect party snack. They will be also great for a lunch. The dough keeps fresh for a few days. Traditionally they would be served with red borscht, but you can eat them with any dip of your choice, solo or with your favourite soup.

Myself and borscht or rather beetroots are not the best friends. Since I remember I disliked them. I don’t know why, maybe it’s a colour, maybe the smell, maybe somebody tried to force me to try some when I was little. I don’t know. My parents love beetroots. I slowly try to like them, it will take time, probably plenty of time.

polish empanadas and red borscht

Polish empanadas / yeast pierogi stuffed with cabbage and mushrooms

Recipe from Around the kitchen table

Notes: I didn’t change anything about recipe, except slightly adjusting the method. I only used 2/3 of the filling. It will depend on how thin you roll your dough and how much filling you will add to each empanada / pierog. You can freeze any remaining filling.


  • 2 handfuls of porcini mushrooms
  • 1 small white cabbage
  • 1 Tbsp butter
  • 1 Tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 200g chestnut mushroom, chopped
  • salt
  • pepper
  • 1 tsp caraway seeds, crushed with mortar and pestle
  • pinch of grated nutmeg
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 3 garlic cloves, grated


  • 3/4 cup milk, lukewarm
  • 1.5 tsp dry yeast
  • 1 Tbsp sugar
  • 400g strong bread flour
  • 1 Tbsp sour cream
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp caraway seeds
  • 1/4 tsp ground black pepper
  • pinch of salt
  • 100g butter, melted and cooled down

Egg wash

  • 2 Tbsp milk
  • 1 egg
Soak porcini mushrooms in a boiling water for at least 20 minutes. Drain them well and chop into small bits. Preserve the liquid.
Chop the cabbage finely. Put it into big pan and cover with water you used for soaking porcini mushrooms. Add more water so it would cover cabbage. Bring it to boil and then simmer until soft.
Melt butter and oil in a big pan. Fry the onions until translucent. Add chestnut and porcini mushrooms and fry for another few minutes.
Add cabbage and fry for another few minutes. Season it with caraway seeds, salt, pepper and nutmeg.
Take the mixture out of heat.
Add the eggs and stir it quickly (otherwise you may get scrambled eggs). Add garlic and leave it to cool.
Stir in the yeast, sugar, 1 tablespoon of flour into lukewarm milk and leave it until leave it for 30 minutes or until a foam forms at the surface.
Sift flour into a big bowl.
Add yeast mixture, sour cream, egg, crushed caraway seeds, black pepper, salt and knead the dough until it is soft and smooth.
Add the melted butter and knead until it’s all incorporated.
Form it into the ball and put into a slightly oiled bowl and leave it for an hour or until the dough doubled in size.
Punch the dough to deflate and knead it for a minute.
Cover it with cling film and place it into the fridge for 15 minutes.
Roll out the dough on a slightly floured surface.
Cut it with a glass or a round cookie cutter.
Place a small spoonful of the filling into the centre of each circle.
Fold over, and press together.
Place the empanadas / pierogi on a parchment-lined baking sheets.
In a small bowl lightly beat the egg with milk. Brush the empanadas / pierogi with an egg wash.
Bake it in preheated oven in 180°C/160°C fan for approximately 25 minutes or until golden.
Transfer the empanadas / pierogi to a wire rack to cool.
Serve warm or in room temperature.

polish empanadas

13 responses to “Polish empanadas stuffed with cabbage and mushrooms”

  1. Garrett avatar

    As someone who normally won’t go within a mile of a mushroom I was pleasantly surprised by this. Nice work Magda 🙂


  2. Mushrooms Canada avatar

    Wonderful recipe! I’ll have to make a big batch, since they won’t last long at my house… thanks for sharing!



    1. Magda avatar

      Good luck Mushrooms Canada, I made quite a big batch, but there is only two of us so that’s easy.


  3. Joanna avatar

    W koncu mam torche czasu aby przjzec twoj blog…. uwielbiam pierozki drozdzowe szczegolnie z kapusta i grzybami. Jak moja mama przyjezdza w odwiedziny to zawsze mi narobi pierogow z kapusta i grzybami ( tych tradycyjnych) i czasam takze naklonie ja do zrobienia drozdzowek. Moze i ja sie kiedy odwaze na wypieki…. poki co to mi slinka leci jak patrze na twoj post:)


    1. Magda avatar

      Odważ się odważ, wcale nie są trudne, szczególnie jak się ma mikser i odrobinę cierpliwości


  4. Canal Cook avatar

    This helps with my pierogi confusion. I had pierogi like this in London, but in New York they were more like ravioli. Is it regional or just personal preference? I love them both ways, especially with mushrooms


    1. Magda avatar

      Jess, it’s a tricky one. By definition word pierog (singular) refers to the shape, therefore you can find different pierogi. The ravioli like pierogi are the most popular ones, so we don’t add any description to those, only ask about the filling. The standard preparation is boiling, but you can fry them as well like I did here http://magdascauldron.com/2013/01/crunchy-fried-pierogi-with-dried-mushrooms.html. You can also fry the boiled pierogi like I did here http://magdascauldron.com/2012/03/green-pierogi-with-curd-cheese-and-dried-tomatoes-filling.html just because often you make more than you can eat in one go.
      Than we have the less popular pierogi, there are only two types I can think of, the ones with yeast dough, or one that use shortcrust http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_n59mAQBtV1A/TNBStDUhVfI/AAAAAAAAAOs/GYuPIkdnLv0/s1600/kruche%2Bpiero%C5%BCki.JPG

      Different regions could have different preferences on the filling, but other than that we love them all, but ravioli like are the most popular, you can get them frozen and sometimes chilled in Polish shops. They are great fast food.


  5. Vikki avatar

    What are these called in Polish? A neighbor makes them and they are wonderful!


    1. Andres avatar

      I call them “pastasneaky” to make my mother in law laugh. They are called Paszteciki.


      1. Magda avatar

        Hey Vikki, I would call them “drożdżowe pierogi” what literally means yeast dough pierogi. I’m sure they can be called something else. As Andres mentioned they could be called paszteciki, although I would argue that shape is slightly different, like this http://stokolorowkuchni.blox.pl/resource/paszteciki_postne2.jpg but the dough is the same.


  6. Lucy @SupergoldenBakes avatar

    My husband adores these (he used to have a Polish girlfriend) and I am sure I would be very popular indeed if I made him a batch! Whenever we visit Montreal (where he is from) he drags me to this Polish restaurant to have some. They look really delicious – pinning to make later!


    1. Magda avatar

      Ha ha, please make him some, happy husband is good husband 😉 So do you eat those type in Canada? I must say the standard ravioli like pierogi are more popular, but those are lovely and they pretty good for picnics and lunch at work as they transport easily.


  7. How Polish Christmas smells like? - Magda's Cauldron avatar

    […] with dried mushrooms, compote from dried fruits, mushroom soup or borscht with little pierogi, pierogi with cabbage and mushrooms, Russian salad, croquettes with cabbage and mushrooms. And then cakes and desserts – […]


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